Thursday, February 3, 2011

Miss Raya Sunshine

Raya is our 3rd Shiloh. She came to us in August 2010 from Epic kennels in Ontario & is going to steal the limelight from Timba. At 8 months old she is already over 80 lbs & the 1st thing anyone says when they meet her is "wow". Stunning to look at and a wonderful fun loving temperament, this girl already has the other dogs (& me ) totally under her spell.  

Timba & Laska's first litter

In March 2010 our first litter was on the ground.  8 healthy pups started arriving just before midnight on the 19th March & continued through the night until the last one was born in the early hours, one dual boy, one sable boy 2 sable girls & 4 buff (white) girls. Laska was a fantastic mum but I got no sleep for the next week as I was up & checking every time I heard so much as a squeak. This was not my first litter but you would  have thought it was vbg. All of the pups are now in the most fantastic homes, Cazen & Jaxx have their own blogs & I could not be happier with how my babies are growing up into everything I hoped they would be. So much so that we plan on repeating the breeding this month.

Alaska - Daysprings Kodiak Midnight Sun

Started looking fo my 2nd Shiloh when Timba was a year old but it was a long search. Finally in August 2008 our girl Laska joined the pack from Dayspring Kennels. She is a sweetheart with a naughty streak.

Timba - the start of it all

The magnificent Timba came into my life in July of  2006.  Had no idea then just what an impact he would have on our lives but over 4 years later I have two more wonderful Shilohs & am honoured to be involved in the ISSR Shiloh breed programme.