Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shilohs in time out

After a great walk we wanted to relax a while in the hot tub but the dogs had other ideas. All five of them were arguing over one ball even though there are dozens everywhere. I took that off them so then they decided to chase the turkeys who had been stupid enough to put in an appearance. After treeing all 27 of them Timba then spotted a deer. "Hmmm - not allowed to chase them but hey the humans are in the hot tub so who's gonna stop me?" He took off with wingman Raya in tow & so I had to climb out of the tub & give chase through the snow in nothing but my swimsuit. Timba had not expected that & when he spotted me he knew he was in deep doodoo.
They ended up in timeout & I could finally climb back into the tub for my glass of wine & some peace!
Click on the photo to see the whole story.

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